You know how ts escorts work. You see her profile on a site like You keep in touch, ask about her rates and you begin to talk. You agree on pretty much everything from her rates all the way to the kind of services she offers. That’s basically how it works. Unfortunately, many people hardly ever take the extra measures to ask pertinent questions. That explains why ts escorts and their dates sometimes end up brushing shoulders. To avoid such experiences, always ask the following questions before meeting. The A Question You may not know this yet but anal sex is one of the most demanded services today when it comes to escorting. It is simply popular. That doesn’t mean though that all escorts offer it. There are as many escorts who offer anal sex as there are those who don’t. With that in mind, don’t assume that your date offers anal sex. Ask before the actual date. Don’t stop at that. Ask too if there are extra charges that come along with anal sex. Time You may have agreed to go out with her for just one hour. What happens though when your ts escort has to spend an extra hour or two with you? It could be because you enjoyed her services or because she couldn’t leave immediately because of inclement weather like a heavy downpour. Ask how much she’ll charge for the extra hours you’ll spend. This is important because you may assume rates remain constant when they don’t. To put this into perspective, escorts usually charge more in the evening than they do for early morning services. Oral Sex Yet again, people assume that oral sex is always part of the deal with escorts. Ask first. The last thing you want is your escort shemale date insisting she doesn’t offer oral sex when all along oral sex is all you were looking forward to. Wanna go out on a date with a ts escort? Try
