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Wanna Buy A Penis Extender? Here’s What You Need To Know First


Published Sep 2, 2022

You’ve heard some much about the vibrating penis extender. Your partner actually thinks it’d be a good idea to get one. You have no problem with the idea only that you don’t know much about male sex toys. All you know is that women are so fond of them. Your partner says it’s all about the vibration – she wants to try it. So far so good, she likes what her clit vibrator does. She now wants to explore what the vibrating penis extender and the fat boy penis sleeve are all about. Don’t be in a rush to buy the toy. There are basics you must first keep in mind. Size Matters: Male sex toys comes in different shapes and yeah, sizes too. There’s no ‘one size fits all’ here. With that in mind, take your time to find a toy your size. Keep in mind too that women also mind size. You must therefore, check with your partner to find out if they prefer a certain size. Do not assume, like it is often the case with many men, that the bigger the better. Your partner could be different. You may also find it hard to fit a toy that’s either too big or too small. Never Forget Hygiene: Never ever underestimate how important hygiene is when it comes to sex toys. This is particularly the case for penetrative toys like penis extenders. The stakes go even higher when your partner is involved. Thankfully, you only need wet wipes. Wipe off your toys clean before and after use. It is that simple. Looking for penis extenders? Try https://melroseurbanfemale.com/


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