No one ever thinks that there’ll come a time when their favourite sex toys throws in the towel. This is strange because for many sex toys out there, there always comes a time when they just can’t tip you off the cliff into the orgasmic ocean anymore. It is a sad truth. This is of course, never the case with non-electronic sex toys like dildos. Truth is, nothing lasts forever. Your glass dildo may have been designed to outlive you. It could then give you one last euphoric, leg shaking orgasm and just when you’re in the middle of it in ecstasy, drop it and break it. So, how often exactly should you replace your sex toys? Handling And Storage Issues: The first rule here is to always buy from reputable stores. Stores like are well known for stocking high quality sex toys. Buy from them and you don’t have to worry about counterfeit rip off. Once you have your toy, take time to read instruction manual. The manual will always give hints on how long your toy could last. From then on, everything else depends on how well you take care of your toys. Silicone based toys will for instance, wear off after too much exposure to sunlight. This means that’s storage also matters when handling your sex toys. The rule here is simple – always store your sex toys in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Brand: There are brands that are known for durable sex toys. You may have to spend more on such brands but you can never go wrong with them. Note though that even in the case or respected brands, everything else will still boil down to how well you take care of toys. Bottom Line: It is hard to conclude with certainty how long your toys can or should last. With proper care and maintenance, your toy should last for decades. Looking for a duable sex toy? Try
