Sex toys get old too. Your bondage sex toys will one day succumb to wear and tear. Your anal vibrators and anal beads will one day lose their lustre. This isn’t in any way a bad thing. Pretty much everything gets old at some point – you included. Fortunately for sex toys, you can always get new ones. But just how do you know it’s time for new toys? Obvious Wear And Tear Signs: There are obvious wear and tear signs you can always look out for. If you’ve stayed with the same toys for more than 5 years, then be on the lookout for such signs. The toys could be rough, broken or chipped. You’ll know the signs once you see them. If you’re an avid sex toys user, you’ll notice the signs faster. Sex Toys Losing Their Magic: This happens mostly with electric or battery powered sex toys. At some point, they’re not as strong as they were when you first bought them. The highest vibrating setting on your anal vibrators don’t seem to get you off. You just lie there, wondering what happened. Well, your toys are old. Buy new ones. Sex Toys Just Refuse To Work: At this point, it is safe to conclude that a toy has succumbed. You try to power it up but it doesn’t even buzz. You change the batteries – nothing! The same story. You have no choice but to buy a new toy. This time though, be keen. Go for brands known for their durability. They may cost you a fortune but they’ll certainly work as they should for decades. Looking for new sex toys? Try
